Txango Motorcycle Sidecar Tours

For an original tour of Paris, check out Txango motorcycle and sidecar tours by the Franco-American tour guide and motorcycle enthusiast, Simon Burke.

“Txango” is a Basque pronounced chang-go that means “excursion”, “leisurely outing” or “journey by unconventional means”. Simon’s grandparents are from the Alsace-Lorraine region of France, and – like Simon – were motorcycle aficionados. After studying to become a history teacher, he began working in the Paris tourism industry as a guide in 2008, and hasn’t looked back.

He’s currently offering sightseeing tours of Versailles and Paris, a Paris Picnic tour, and his signature “Vice and Violence” tour of Paris and Montmartre (including cocktails in a former brothel).

Simon’s tours are fully licensed and insured for passengers. He can accommodate one in the sidecar and one on the back of the motorcycle, or up to 4 guests with a second sidecar. Prices start from €129 for one passenger.

Sidecar at Place de la COncorde

Txango at Place de la Concorde

Txango Tours
Tel +33 6 23 75 12 68
Email simon@txangotours.com

Exclusive Video for Members

Heather and Simon at the Arc de Triomphe

Heather and Simon at the Arc de Triomphe

Heather went on a sidecar tour with Simon…with a grand finale around the Arc de Triomphe! Become a Secrets of Paris Community member to access exclusive videos like this!


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